Would you say you are quick to take offense from others? Why or why not?
Have you ever successfully won back an offended friend? If so, how did you do it?
How are you growing in your ability to keep peace with difficult people?
Do you think you’d be able to identify a false prophet? What do you think would be red flags for you?
What was your biggest takeaway?
How do you build worship into your daily life?
Would you say that you are single-minded in your life-worship of God? Why or why not?
Over the past year, what is the biggest thing that God has changed in your life?
Is there any place that you’ve been allowing Satan to steal your worship?
What’s your biggest takeaway from this message?
What will stick with you about this series?
What are you doing to build close and personal relationships with people? Would you say you’ve been successful?
What do you feel like you can speak about with boldness and confidence? Where did you get your knowledge on the subject?
How has your pastor equipped you to live a life serving Jesus?
When was the last time you were in a position where you had to rely on others to provide for you? Did you struggle with letting people help or did you embrace it?
What stage of spiritual growth are you in? And what are you doing to progress in the stage you’re in?
FIND JESUS (an UNlearning phase where we actually discover God, and His love for us expressed through Jesus)
MOVE FORWARD (with our faith, flexing our faith muscles and learning how to walk it out)
DO SOMETHING (for God, God will call us to use everything we’ve learned, to serve others)
What was your biggest takeaway?
How are you growing right now in your relationship with God?
How are you growing in your relationships with others, lately?
How are you growing in your influence with outsiders right now?
How are you growing in your ability to handle your resources, lately?
Would you say you’ve allowed any pride to creep into your discipleship of Jesus?
What was your biggest takeaway from this message?
Have you ever eaten a meal with strangers? How did it go?
Would you say that your home is an open place to others? Why or why not?
Do you have a group of people that you minister to? Who are they and how are you ministering to them?
“God has revealed himself to me as the God _________” Fill in the blank and explain.
(Ex. That provides, Of Peace, Who is with me)What was your biggest takeaway?
Do you serve the church? Why or why not?
Would you say you are devoted to teaching of the Word like the early church? How so?
Do you regularly share meals with others? How could you grow in that area?
What does the word “fellowship” mean to you?
What is your prayer life like lately?
What was your biggest takeaway from this message?
Would you say God has proved himself to you? Why or why not?
Why do you attend church?
What’s the best advice you’d give to a new believer on how to survive as a Christian?
How has your life benefitted from your relationships at church?
What’s a decision you’ve made that changed your life forever?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What was your favorite sermon series of 2024 and why?
Examining yourself, how would you say your heart has changed from the beginning of the year?
What temptations have you managed to resist falling into this year?
What was your biggest takeaway of 2024?
What do you think you’ll spend more or less time doing this coming year?
What are you most looking forward to in 2025?
What is a healthy fear you had to learn?
How do you handle crisis historically? What does it bring out of you?
What do you think is the most courageous thing you’ve done?
Would you say your words get in the way of what God wants to do through you? If so, what can you do to change that?
How did you learn how to worship? Do you know how to worship on your own?
What was your biggest takeaway?
If you were Mary, what is one question you would’ve asked Gabriel?
Besides Mary and Jesus, who is a person of faith, that inspires you to be more faithful?
What experiences have led you to believe God can be trusted?
What’s the most challenging thing you’ve endured and stayed faithful through?
What can you do as a next step to grow your faith and trust in God?
What’s your biggest takeaway?
If you had to move to another country, where would you go, and why?
If God told you in a dream to move your whole family to another country, what would your reaction be?
Has God ever used prophecy, dreams, faith, or scary circumstances to guide the course of your life?
If we looked at the actions of your life, without any of your words, what would we be able to tell about your obedience to God?
How are you growing in your faith and obedience right now?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What gifts do you have and how are you using them to serve people?
Have you ever thought you heard from God and acted on it immediately? What happened and did the result confirm it was from God?
Describe how worship has impacted your relationship with God.
What have you previously overcomplicated about christianity that you now realize is much simpler?
What was your biggest takeaway?
If Jesus was born today what gifts do you think would be brought for him?
What does your name mean? Do you feel like its an accurate description of you or that its relevant for you?
What’s the greatest gift you’ve ever given to someone?
What is a gift you think God values from you & why?
What was your biggest takeaway?
Do you think you would’ve gone back and thanked Jesus if you were one of the leapers? Why or why not?
Has there been a moment that made you self-aware of any abundance you have? What made you self-aware?
What is something you had to do God’s way instead of the way you wanted or planned to?
What’s the most gratitude you can remember anyone showing you? What did you do that they were so thankful for?
Does your gratitude to God look like the person from your story? How can you show God greater gratitude?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What has been the high point of your week?
Pick an aspect of the heart (Intellect, Decisions, Emotions). How has your love for God in this area grown this year?
Pick an aspect of the soul (Body, Sight, Speech). How has your love for God in this area grown this year?
What can you do to express your love for people more consistently?
Which challenge stretched you the most?
What was your biggest takeaway from this series?
What have you gained in abundance that you attribute to God?
Have you ever shared the gospel with someone in a “spur of the moment”, unexpected way? Tell us the story.
How have you used your generosity to be a light to others?
In the future, what things do you think will be evidence to you that you’re closer to experiencing the fullness of God’s salvation?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What are you most thankful for so far this year?
Which types of prayer do you usually take part in? And which would you like to do more? (Personal, Community, Sanctifying, Worship & Thanksgiving)
Do you have a plan to pray more? If so, what’re you planning to do?
Think about a time where a thought, an experience or something you saw brought you into a moment of reverence for God. Tell us about that memory.
How are you involved in your church?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What foods would you say are your biggest weakness when it comes to cravings?
What have you been reading/learning from the Bible recently?
What spiritual fruit are you most in need of right now & why?
Have you ever thought that attending church would act as a vaccine against temptation, sin & suffering?
Do you view God as a husband (significant other) or a master? Explain.
What was your biggest takeaway?
Have you had any opportunities to share your faith with anyone lately?
Would you say you’ve had to learn a lot of life lessons the hard way?
What’s one “bad” thing that you can look back on now, and thank God for?
On a scale of 1-10, how shakeable would you say your faith is? (1 being built like a sandcastle…10 being dungeon faith like Paul & Silas)
How do you tend to manage stress?
What was your biggest takeaway?
What is your favorite song to worship to & why?
Which day of the Worship Challenge did you complete today and what did you learn?
When the enemy speaks lies in your mind what does he tend to say to try and define you?
God is the source of my _______. What’s the first thing that came to your mind and why do you think that is?
What was your biggest takeaway?