Link to October 6th’s Bold & Brave Notes
Read Matthew 4:1-11 as a group.
What strikes you as interesting about this passage?
What questions do you have for studying this passage?
What can we learn about how to handle our own temptations from the way Jesus handles it?
What other scriptures should we study this week about temptation? (Look in your Bibles, google it, etc, but come up with a list!)
Read Romans 12:1-2 as a group.
What do you think it means to give your bodies to God, and let them be a living and holy sacrifice?
What do you think it means to copy the behavior and customs of the world?
How do you go about changing the way you think, in your life?
What other scriptures can we study this week about our thought life? (Look in your Bibles, google it, etc, but come up with a list!)
Read Hebrews 13:7-9 as a group.
What leaders do you have in your life that teach you the Word of God? If not, how can you change that?
Are there others that YOU are teaching?
Who is your favorite Bible “character”? What have you learned from their story?
What can we do this week to be intentional about teaching and leading others to Jesus?