Matthew 13:53-58

Our God is a God of progression. He intentionally orchestrates all the affairs of human existence in a way that everything is advancing toward his intended end of all of our lives. 

I am not built to be stuck.

I need friends who can see with me, not just hang with me. 

LEVELS: God will let you live on whatever level you settle for. It’s not enough for God to want it for us, we must want it for ourselves. 

  1. A space outside the will of God. (culture)

    1. Lowest level of living

    2. Decisions guided and governed by my own will and wishes.

    3. I’m going to consult God when I need Him to bring MY will to pass.

    4. At this level, God is a deliverer, not a leader.

    5. Here’s what you have to get: We don’t know what we want!

    6. Human beings are the only ones that reject the manufacturers instructions.

  2. The permissive will of God (spiritual knowledge, church)

    1. The average level of living.

    2. A space & place where things are better than they used to be, but aren’t as good as they could be.

    3. He permits, but doesn’t prefer.

    4. It is salvation, but not transformation.

    5. Some people in their own mind won’t allow you to evolve past who you were when they met you. 

    6. He’s talking to people who think they already know God!

    7. We quote scripture at this level...but may not live it. 

  3. The preferred will of God. (spiritual experience, Jesus)

    1. Kingdom living is what life looks like when JESUS leads it. 

    2. Church is not the end, it’s the MEANS to this level.

    3. At this level, we LIVE scripture.

    4. God always takes it to the next level, head first. 

God is calling YOU to be what you’re looking for. You are the light of the WORLD. Not church. God wants to use your life as an example of what Level 3 looks like--living the King’s way. 

When we live life that way:

We become a people of passion.


  • Pastor Dharius said, “God always take it to the next level, head first.” What do you think God is teaching you right now?

  • He also said, “It is salvation, but not transformation.” As a group, define the difference.

  • What do you think would have to change in your life, to be fully living “the King’s way”?

  • What was your main takeaway from this message?


  • Read Matthew 13:53-59 for yourself.

    • What can we learn from the crowd’s offense and refusal to believe in Jesus?

  • At-Home Challenge: spend 30 minutes (at least once this week), all alone, doing nothing but praying and listening. What did you learn from that experience? What do you feel like God said to you?
