Dictionary- a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.
Hebrew- yachal - to wait/be patient
tiqvah - to expect
Greek- elpis - expectation, trust, confidence
Biblical hope is an expectation with certainty that God will do what He said
Hope Busters
◦ Focusing on what I see
◦ Focusing on my feelings
◦ Not guarding my thoughts
◦ Misplaced hope
◦ Attack from enemy
When to hope
◦ When you feel depressed
◦ When you’re anxious
◦ When your future seems bleak
Bible verses on hope:
Psalm 25:1-5, And 21 (NIV)
1. As believers our hope is based on Gods promises. Make a list of Hope filled verses to keep handy for when you need them
2. There are many Bible plans in the YouVersion app. Choose one to complete and share about it on B&B FB page
3. Take some time to soak in your favorite passages on hope. Come next month prepared to share your thoughts/experience with the group.