Have you ever attributed hard times in your life as being a punishment from God? If so, why did you attribute it to that?
What conflicts in your life have had a significant impact in growing you into who you are now?
What blessings have you seen God bring out of the hard times in your life?
What compromises have you made but overcome in your walk as a believer?
Which of characterizations that God gives himself have you most often experienced?
Jehovah Jireh - The Lord will provide
Jehovah Nissi- The Lord is our banner (deliverer)
Jehovah Shalom - The Lord sends peace (comfort)
Jehovah Rapha - The God who heals
Jehovah Ra’ah - The Lord is the Way, my shepherd
Jehovah Tsidkenu (Sid-ken-ew)- The Lord is our righteousness
Jehovah Shammah - The Lord is our light, ever present
What was your biggest takeaway?