Interested in having your child dedication at FVChurch? AWESOME! We love to pray over kids and bless them, and dedicate them to the Lord! We believe strongly in kids at FV, and we believe that they are so important to the heart of God! We know the church plays an important role in the development of children but the role of parent, is unlike any other!
It's for that reason, that dedication at Freedom Valley might be a little different than what you're used to. To us, dedication is about the church and parent partnership together, for the life of the child! Parents commit to doing their very best to raise a child in Godly ways, and to being a good example for them to follow. We believe that dedication is just the very first step, in a lifetime of parenting choices that will help set the tone for a great life with Jesus, which is why we usually ask that a family attends Freedom Valley regularly for about 6 months before we make a commitment with you. We hope that in time, you take part in some of the below activities, and really understand what the church can give to your kids, and what your kids can give to the church!
For the dedication, as a church, we will gather around your family, during one of our weekend services, and commit ourselves to helping, as much as you will let us! Some ways that we can help, and we encourage you to take advantage of:
Regular participation at weekend worship services.
kid-oriented opportunities to worship God and learn how to have a relationship with Jesus, as well as make life-lasting friendships, and hear from other adults that can speak life into them!
Small Group participation
For kids: we offer a few small groups during our Growth Group semesters just for kids and teens!
For adults: we offer parenting classes and Bible Studies throughout the year, be sure to attend when they're available!
Home Groups: these are often for the entire family, and will help children and teens create relationships outside the church, as well as parents! Creating friendships with other Christians, and going deeper into the Word are always going to be helpful with family life!
Christian Counseling
Kids go through crisis too. Don't let them form their own opinions and conclusions about the world, let us help them see things from a Biblical perspective.
FVServe Teams
When you're involved at church, so are your kids! Let them see that church isn't just about Sunday mornings, but how we live it out throughout the week.
Dedication is just the very first step. If you are interested in taking this important step, committing your parenting choices to the Lord, and taking advantage of the important opportunities FV offers, sign up below! We would love to get you on the schedule, at our next NEXT STEPS WEEKEND!
And, if you need help getting involved in Growth Groups or an FVServe Team, come to the Serve Desk after any weekend service, or check out more info here: We'd love to get you involved in any way that we can!
“We love you, we believe in you, and we’re so excited to be partnered together in ministry to our children! Let’s go ‘change the world with the message of the Gospel!’”