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This program is closed, until we can sponsor all the kids we currently have on our list! The response was overwhelming this year, we hope we can take on more, but until we have the current list sponsored, we took the application link down. Thanks for your understanding!

To apply for help, please read:

Sponsoring FV families are usually parents themselves, who have a heart for kids and for families that are struggling. They’ve been asked to spend about $50 on each child, but not all gifts will come from the same family. Please understand that we will try our best to match quality and quantity for each child, but that will depend on availability and may vary. We always do our best to meet each and every request, but help will always depend on the amount of people who step up and are willing to sponsor.

We’ll take families on a first come, first serve basis, but regular FV attenders will be moved to the top of the list. If you apply more than 3 years in a row, you’ll be at the bottom of the list. We do not guarantee gifts for anyone, this is a voluntary program.
Pick up is Wednesday, December 18th, 7-8pm for 2024.

Please only apply for children that live in your household, and are under the age of 17.

All the thanks we ask is that you come to a FV service sometime! If you'd like to do more, you're welcome to write a thank you note to be passed along to the sponsor, or take photos on Christmas Day, and send to us.

Sponsors, please read:

We want the families to be able to use these gifts as if they were from the parents, and so we ask that you would not wrap them, although you may include items to wrap, if you so desire. Please plan to spend about $50 on each child, give or take only a little, so that gifts would tend to match in quantity or quality. We will aim to have all gifts ready for pick up at FVChurch in Gettysburg, by Sunday, December 15th for 2024.

Children currently unsponsored: 0