
Bible Study Feb 28


This is our eighth and final meeting for the Winter Semester. Anyone is welcome to join, and you do not have to have attended a previous meeting to join this week. We meet at 7:00 pm on Wednesday February 28th, 2024. Reminder this is the last meeting for the Winter Semester - We will not be meeting in the month of March 2024.

Please visit FV.Church/Events for more information about next semester beginning in April.

Tonight, Called Men’s Group is finishing up our Bible study of the Book of Romans. A letter from the apostle Paul to the Roman churches. Paul’s letter to the Roman churches focuses on the doctrine of salvation, which is given to believers through Jesus Christ. Paul’s purpose in writing the letter was to share spiritual strength and provide encouragement to the believers in Rome. Now Paul’s letter shares spiritual strength and gives encouragement to us all.


Freedom Life Church, Main Campus, 447 Noble Road, Christiana, PA 17509

(About 1 hour 30 - 45 minutes from FV Church)

Friday, March 15, 2024 (6:00-9:00 pm, dinner included) – Saturday, March 16, 2024 (8:00-12 noon; breakfast included)

$30 General Admission:

Preplanning, to discuss again at this week’s meeting (02/28/2024):

Fri: We will meet at FV Church at 3:00 pm Friday, Depart FV at 3:15 pm.

(Arrive at Freedom Life Church, around 5:45 pm). (Depart FLC at 9:00 pm, arrive FVC 11:00 pm)

Sat: We will meet at FV Church at 6:00 am Saturday, Depart FV at 6:15 am.

(Arrive at Freedom Life Church, around 8:05 am). (Depart FLC at noon, arrive FVC 2:20 pm)


Read - Romans Chapters 15:1 – 16:27

Observation: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what was happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out, or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?

Application & Questions: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • Was there anything in the scripture that indicates how we should change our current behavior or actions?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people (both believers and non-believers)?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

    • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall message was?

  • Biggest takeaway?



Bible Study Feb 21


This is our seventh meeting for the Winter Semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group. Friendly reminder that anyone is welcome to join, and you do not have to have attended a previous meeting to join this week. We meet at 7:00 pm and will continue meeting through the end of February (Feb. 28 th , 2024). We will not be meeting in the month of March 2024, stay tuned for more information about the next semester.

This semester, Called Men’s Group is conducting a Bible study of the Book of Romans, which is a letter from the apostle Paul to the Roman churches. Paul’s letter focuses on the doctrine of salvation, which is given to believers through Jesus Christ. Paul’s purpose in writing the letter was to share spiritual strength and provide encouragement to the believers in Rome. Now Paul’s letter shares spiritual strength and gives encouragement to us all.


Freedom Life Church, Main Campus, 447 Noble Road, Christiana, PA 17509 (About 1 hour 45 minutes from FV Church) Friday, March 15, 2024 (6:00-9:00 pm, dinner included) – Saturday, March 16, 2024 (8:00-12 noon; breakfast included) $30 General Admission:

Preplanning, to discuss at this week’s meeting (02/21/2024):

Fri: We could possibly meet at FV Church at 3:00 pm Friday, Depart FV at 3:15 pm. (Arrive at Freedom Life Church, around 5:45 pm). (Depart FLC at 9:00 pm, arrive FVC 11:00 pm)

Sat: We could possibly meet at FV Church at 6:00 am Saturday, Depart FV at 6:15 am. (Arrive at Freedom Life Church, around 8:05 am). (Depart FLC at noon, arrive FVC 2:20 pm)

This Week’s Thought-of-the-Day 1 :

Does What I think Really Matter? (Ronnie Littleton)

Pause for just a moment and try to not think. Keep trying. It appears to be impossible to stop thinking, doesn’t it? Thinking is a necessary and unavoidable part of life. Not only that, our thoughts actually shape who we are, what we believe, what we do, and how we treat others. If our thoughts are this powerful, it seems obvious that we should avoid incorrect thoughts, for incorrect thoughts will lead to problems as we make decisions and form opinions based on bad information. On the other hand, correct thoughts will lead to good outcomes. This is why the Apostle Paul commands believers to transform their thinking. (Romans 12:2)

( 1 Commentary copied from the Apologetics Study Bible for Students; Holman Bible Publishers, page 1215.)


Read - Romans Chapters 13:1 – 14:23

Observation: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what was happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out, or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?

Application & Questions: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • Was there anything in the scripture that indicates how we should change our current behavior or actions?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people (both believers and non-believers)?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall message was?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Meditate and pray for the Lord to show you how to use and apply the scriptures to your life.

  • Read: Romans Chapters 15:1 – 16:27

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading these verses? Be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.

Friendly Reminder: Next week (02/28/2024) is our last meeting of the semester. Stay tuned for more information and visit FV.chruch/events for more information about the upcoming spring Semester beginning in April.


1. Apologetics Study Bible for Students; Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, copyright 2009, Holman

Christian Standard Bible (HCSB, now known as the Christian Standard Bible - CSB).



Bible Study Feb 14


This is our sixth meeting for the Winter Semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group. Anyone is welcome to join, and you do not have to have attended a previous meeting to join this week. We will meet at 7:00 pm and continue meeting EVERY Wednesday night, through the end of February (Feb. 28 th , 2024). We will not be meeting the month of March 2024, stay tuned for more information about the next semester.

This semester, Called Men’s Group is conducting a Bible study of the Book of Romans, which is a letter from the apostle Paul to the Roman churches. Paul’s letter focuses on the doctrine of salvation, which is given to believers through Jesus Christ. Paul’s purpose in writing the letter was to share spiritual strength and provide encouragement to the believers in Rome. Now Paul’s letter shares spiritual strength and gives encouragement to us all.

This Week’s Thought-of-the-Day:

What good is a dull rusty knife? A dull knife cannot cut food, and a rusty knife is not something we want to use - we don’t want rust in our food. So, what good is a dull rusty knife? Read Matthew 5:13-16

Matthew 5:13-16:

13  “You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless.

14  “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden.  15  No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.  16  In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.

Just like in Matthew 5, salt that loses its flavor is worthless; a dull rusty knife has no purpose, it either gets thrown out, or needs to be cleaned and sharpened to be useful.

We need to be mindful and check ourselves occasionally to make sure that we are not allowing ourselves to become dull and rusty. We continually need to clean and sharpen ourselves: spiritually, morally, and physically.

Scripture: Read - Romans Chapters 11:1 – 12:21

Observation: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what was happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out, or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?

Application & Questions: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • Was there anything in the scripture that indicates how we should change our current behavior or actions?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people (both believers and non-believers)?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall message was?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Meditate and pray for the Lord to show you how to use and apply the scriptures to your life.

  • Read: Romans Chapters 13:1 – 14:23

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading these verses? Be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.

Additional Information on This Week’s Thought-of-The-Day:

Google Search: spiritually, morally, and physically

Here’s some information about spirituality, morality, and physical discipline:

  • Spirituality: A personal exploration that involves knowing that life has significance beyond biological needs. It can also mean having faith and belief in a Supreme Being. Spiritualists believe that spirit has a unique life that is not reducible to the body or the laws of physics.

  • Morality: Can refer to matters of truth in moral life that shape character formation in relation to fellow human beings. Moral education is the source of spiritual equilibrium.

  • Physical discipline: Lays emphasis on acts of service and charity.



Bible Study Feb 7


This is our fifth meeting for the Winter Semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group. Anyone is welcome to join, and you do not have to have attended a previous meeting to join this week. We meet at 7:00 pm and will continue meeting EVERY Wednesday night, through the end of February (Feb. 28 th , 2024). Called Men’s Group is conducting a Bible study of the Book of Romans, a letter written by the apostle Paul to the Roman churches. Paul’s letter focuses on the doctrine of salvation, which is given to believers through Jesus Christ.

Paul’s purpose in writing the letter was to share spiritual strength and provide encouragement to the believers in Rome. Now Paul’s letter shares spiritual strength and gives encouragement to us all.

How can a person get into Heaven? – Eric Johnson: 1

Except for Christianity, all religions teach that there are certain works we must do to get into heaven. Muslims are obligated to follow the Five Pillars of Faith; Mormons must get married in one of their church’s temples. Buddhists meditate, while Jehovah’s Witness share their faith door to door. In effect, followers of these and other religions ask, “what must I do for my salvation?” The Christian asks a much different question: “What did God do for my salvation?”

The idea that salvation is a gift that comes by grace through faith and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9) is so radical that many religious people cannot accept it. We can sum up the Christian teaching in ten words:

God loves. A favorite verse of many Christians is John 3:16, which begins with “For God so loved the world.” God’s love is the motivating factor in how He deals with humanity.

Humans sinned. The Bible says that Adam and Eve introduced sin into the world by rebelling against God’s will (Romans 5:12-18). As a consequence, “death spread to all men, because all sinned” (Romans 5:12)

Jesus died. Jesus Christ came to this world with one purpose: to die in our place and be raised back to life again. Romans 5:8 says, “But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us!”

We believe. “If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation” (Romans 10:9-10)

God Forgives. When we enter relationship with God through faith, our sins are washed away. Isaiah 1:18 says, “Through your sins are like scarlet, they will be as white as snow.” This cleansing comes through the blood of Jesus, which brings “forgiveness of our trespasses” (Ephesians 1:7)

We cannot be saved by our works, for salvation is not like earning a paycheck, and our debt is too great to pay off by our efforts. As Romans 4:6 puts it, “God credits righteousness…apart from works.” Imagine a grandfather who told his young grandson that he was depositing “10” into the bank under the boy’s name. The boy didn’t think anything of it until he decided to withdraw his money. Imagine his shock when the teller gave him the requested $10 and then said his remaining balance was $9,999,990! He thought he had just ten measly dollars in the account, but the grandfather had actually sacrificed everything to give him $10 million. Would the boy tell the teller that he’d earned that money? Of course not! The money was given as a gift, not a payment.

Jesus’ sacrifice allows us to enjoy eternal benefits. It’s ours for the asking. Just confess your sins and your need for salvation, and then invite Jesus to be your Savior. If you haven’t already done this, today is the day! Tell your pastor or Christian friend – they would love to help you.

( 1 Commentary copied from the Apologetics Study Bible for Students; Holman Bible Publishers, page 1206.)


Read - Romans Chapters 9:1 – 10:21

Observation: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what was happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out, or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?

Application Questions: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • Was there anything in the scripture that indicates how we should change our current behavior or actions?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people (both believers and non-believers)?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall message was?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Meditate and pray for the Lord to show you how to use and apply the scriptures to your life.

  •  Read: Romans Chapters 11:1 – 12:21

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.


  1. Apologetics Study Bible for Students; Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, copyright 2009, Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB, now known as the Christian Standard Bible - CSB).



Bible Study Jan 31


This is our fourth meeting for the Winter Semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group.  Friendly reminder that anyone is welcome to join, and you do not have to have been at a previous meeting to join this week.  We meet at 7:00 pm and will continue meeting EVERY Wednesday night, through the end of February (Feb. 28th, 2024). 

Called Men’s Group is conducting a Bible study of the Book of Romans, which was a letter written by the apostle Paul.  Paul’s letter to the Roman churches focuses on the doctrine of salvation, which is given to believers through Jesus Christ.  Paul’s purpose in writing the letter was to share spiritual strength and provide encouragement to the believers in Rome. Now Paul’s letter shares spiritual strength and gives encouragement to us all.


Message of Paul’s letter to the Romans: 1 Four themes occur repeatedly in Paul’s letters.  

First, God (through Jesus Christ) has intervened in his fallen world to make things right again, Jesus’ death and resurrection usher in “the last days” that the Old Testament prophets anticipated.  This time period will be brought to its climax when he returns. 

  Second, God offers sinful humans being the opportunity to be reconciled with him through Christ.  People whose sin and rebellion have estranged them from God can be reconciled to him and declared righteous by believing Jesus Christ.

Third, the Good Nes is for all kinds of people.  Even though God’s plan of salvation is united from Adam to Christ, the coming of Christ broke down ethnic barriers.  Jews and Gentiles alike need salvation, and they alike find salvation only through faith in Christ.

Fourth, Paul’s letters were written to help believers understand and live out the meaning of their new life of Christ.  Paul responded to false teachers who were leading people astray and dealt with misunderstanding that had arisen in the young churches.  Paul therefore dealt with a wide spectrum of issues, some of which are quite similar to issues we still face.
Paul reminds us that Christ is Lord and wants to reign over every facet of our lives.  The Holy Spirt empowers and guides us to live this new, Christ-centered life.

(1 Commentary copied from the NLT Parallel Study Bible; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., pages 2107 and 2108.)

Scripture: Read - Romans Chapters 7:1 – 8:39

Observation:  Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • What was the context?  What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

  • What makes what was happening meaningful?

  • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved? 

  • How do they respond to God?

  • What character traits do you notice about them?

  • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out, or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you?  What were they?

Application & Questions:  Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  •  How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • Was there anything in the scripture that indicates how we should change our current behavior or actions?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people (both believers and non-believers)?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

  • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall message was?

  • Biggest takeaway?


  •  Prayer:  Meditate and pray for the Lord to show you how to use and apply the scriptures to your life.

  • Read: Romans Chapters 9:1 – 10:21

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage?  Be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.



1.     NLT Parallel Study Bible; Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carroll Stream, IL
NLT Study Bible notes copyright 2008, New Living Translation (NLT).
New Living Translation, Holy Bible copyright 1996, 2004, 2007.



Bible Study Jan 24

Introduction: This is our third meeting for the Winter Semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group. Anyone is welcome to join, and you do not have to have attended a previous meeting to join this week. We will meet at 7:00 pm and will continue meeting EVERY Wednesday night, through the end of February (Feb. 28 th , 2024).

Called Men’s Group is conducting a Bible study of the Book of Romans, which was a letter written by the apostle Paul. Paul’s letter to the Roman churches focuses on the doctrine of salvation, which is given to believers through Jesus Christ. Paul’s purpose in writing the letter was to share spiritual strength and provide encouragement to the believers in Rome. Now Paul’s letter shares spiritual strength and gives encouragement to us all.

1 You aren’t a Christian because you did something special to deserve God’s love. You didn’t earn the right to have your sins forgiven. God gave you a gift, and you accepted it. That’s why you’re a Christian.

If you want to keep your relationship with God real, you’ll need to remember that. It’s good to be humble and remember that you did nothing to earn your standing before God. Only then can you fully appreciate just how incredible God is and how awesome it is that you can walk with him in this like and for all of eternity.

( 1 Commentary copied from the Revolution Bible; Zondervan Bible Publishers, NIV, page 1384.)

Scripture: Read - Romans Chapters 5:1 – 6:23

Observation: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what was happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out, or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?

Application & Questions: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • Was there anything in the scripture that indicates how we should change our current behavior or actions?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people (both believers and non-believers)?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall message was?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Meditate and pray for the Lord to show you how to use and apply the scriptures to your life.

  •  Read: Romans Chapters 7:1 – 8:39. Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.


1. Revolution Bible, The Bible for Teen Guys; Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, copyright 2011, New

International Version (NIV).



Bible Study Jan 17

Introduction: This is our second meeting for the Winter Semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group. Anyone is welcome to attend, and you do not have to have attended a previous meeting to join this week. We will meet at 7:00pm and will continue meeting EVERY Wednesday night, through the end of February (Feb. 28 th , 2024).

Called Men’s Group is conducting a Bible study of the Book of Romans, using the SOAP method of Bible study, which is a systematic method of studying the Bible. “SOAP” stands for: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer (and I have added Questions). This method of Bible study helps us to look deeper into Scripture and find more than if we just simply read the Bible.

1 Christians have long used the book of Romans to understand the steps of salvation. The five verses below are often referred as to The Romans Road to Salvation:

1. PROBLEM: For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (3:23)

2. CONSEQUENCE: For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (6:23)

3. SOLUTION: But God Proves his own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (5:8)

4. RESPONSE: If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved (10:9)

5. ASSURANCE: For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (10:13)

( 1 Commentary copied from the He Reads Truth Bible; Holman Bible Publishers, CSB, page -1964.)

Scripture: Read - Romans Chapters 3:1 – 4:25

Observation: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what was happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out, or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?

Application & Questions: Identify/Discuss Among the Group

  • How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • Was there anything in the scripture that indicates how we should change our current behavior or actions?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people (both believers and non-believers)?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall message was?

  • Biggest takeaway?


1. He Reads Truth Bible; Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, Tennessee, copyright 2019, Christian Standard Bible.



Bible Study Jan 10

Introduction: Our WINTER SEMESTER of CALLED Men’s Growth Groups kicks off tonight, January 10 th . We will meet at 7:00 pm and will continue meeting EVERY Wednesday night through the end of February (February 28 th – 8-weeks total).

Called Men’s Group will be conducting a Bible study of the Book of Romans, which was a letter written by the apostle Paul, at the end of his third missionary journey. Paul’s letter to the Roman house churches focuses on the doctrine of salvation given to believers through Jesus Christ. Paul’s purpose in writing the letter was to share spiritual strength to the believers in Rome, and now Paul’s letter shares spiritual strength to us all.

We will use the SOAP method of Bible study, which is a systematic way to study the Bible. It helps us to look deeper into the Scripture and find more than if were just simply reading the scripture. The word “SOAP” is an acronym for: Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer (and I’ve added Questions).

Scripture, Read: Romans 1:1- 2:29

Observation/ Discussion | (Identify/Discuss Among the Group)

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

  • Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?

Application and Questions | (Identify/Discuss Among the Group)

  • How should we apply the message to our lives?

  • How should we change our current behavior or actions based on the passage?

  • What does the scripture show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the chapters that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • What do you think the overall main message was of the chapters?

  • Biggest takeaway?

Prayer: Meditate and pray for the Lord to show you how to use and apply the scriptures to your life.

Read: Romans Chapters 3:1 – 4:25

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study Dec 6

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

Prayer: Meditate and pray for the Lord to show you how to use and apply the scriptures to your life.


– Candace is teaching a class the next two Wednesdays (12/13 and 12/20) at 7:00 pm titled “How to ask Questions of the Bible” (Note: NO CHILDCARE).

– Winter Semester begins Wednesday, January 10 and meets weekly through Wednesday, February 28, 2024.

– Look at for more details.



Bible Study November 29

READ SCRIPTURE: Acts 28:1-31

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

    • Who is involved?

  • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

***REMINDER*** This is the last Men’s Group of the Semester. NEXT WEEK on Wednesday 12/06/23 is First Wednesday, And Men’s Group will only meet the first Wednesday of every month. Stay tuned for future details regarding Spring Semester 2024! (

  •  For the upcoming First Wednesday, 12/06/2023, meeting, read and be prepared to discuss: Luke 2:1-20 and Matthew 1:18 – 2:12

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading these passages?



Bible Study November 15

Read: John 15: 1-4

Read: Acts 27:1-44

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

***REMINDER*** No Men’s Group NEXT WEEK on Wednesday 11/22/23 (Day before Thanksgiving)

  • For the Wednesday, 11/29/2023, meeting, read and be prepared to discuss: Acts 28:1-31

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading these passages?



Bible Study November 8

Read: Acts 26:1-32

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

  • For the next meeting, read: Acts 27:1-42

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading these passages?

  • Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.

***REMINDER*** No Men’s Group on Wednesday 11/22/23 (Day before Thanksgiving)



Bible Study November 1

Scripture, Read: Acts 24:1-27 and Acts 25:1-27

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

For the next meeting, read: Acts 26:1-32

Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study October 25

Scripture, Read: Acts 23:1-35

(Paul Before the High Council, The Plan to Kill Paul, and Paul is Sent to Caesarea)

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

  • For the next meeting, read: Acts 24:1-27 and Acts 25:1-27

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading these passages? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study October 18

Read: Acts 22:1-30

(Paul’s Testimony, Paul Reveals His Roman Citizenship, and Paul before the High Council)

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

For the next meeting, read: Acts 23:1-35

Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study October 11

Scripture, Read: Acts 21:1-40

(Paul’s Journey to Jerusalem, Paul Arrives at Jerusalem, Paul is Arrested and Paul Speaks to the Crowd)

Observation (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?

Application and Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What does this show/indicate to you about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

  • Biggest takeaway?

  • Prayer: Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

  • For the next meeting, read: Acts 22:1-30

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study October 4

First Wednesday: CALLED Men’s Group | Wednesday, October 04, 2023


Scripture, Read: Acts 20:1-38      

(Paul Goes to Macedonia and Greece, Paul’s Final Visit to Troas, and Paul’s Final Visit to Troas)

Watch Video:


Book of Acts | 20:1-38​​​​​​​​​​


• What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

• What and where is this happening?

• What makes what is happening meaningful?

• Is there anything special about the location?


• Who is involved?  

• How do they respond to God?

• What character traits do you notice about them?

• What is the significance of their involvement?


• What do you think is the key message?

• Did anything stand out or something that surprised you? What was it?


Application and Questions to Consider:

• What does this show/indicate to you about people?

• Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

• Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

• If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.


• How should we live our lives or apply the message based on these passages?

• Biggest takeaway?

Prayer:  Ask the Lord to show you how to meditate on and apply these scriptures to your life.

• For the next meeting, read: Acts 21:1-40      

Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage?  Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study September 27

Read: Acts 19:1-41

(Paul’s 3 rd Missionary Journey, Paul Ministers in Ephesus, and The Riot in Ephesus)

Questions (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out to you?

  • Is there something that surprised you? What was it?

  • How can we apply the message to today, in our own lives?

Other Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • What does this tell me about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • How should we live our lives based on this passage?

  • Biggest takeaway from the passage?

Next Acts 20:1-38

Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study September 20

Read: Acts 18:1-28 (Paul Meets Priscilla and Aguila in Corinth, Paul Returns to Antioch of Syria, Apollos Instructed at Ephesus)

Questions (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out to you?

  • Is there something that surprised you? What was it?

  • How can we apply the message to today, in our own lives?

Other Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • What does this tell me about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • How should we live our lives based on this passage?

  • Biggest takeaway from the passage?

Next Acts 19:1-41

Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.



Bible Study September 13

Read: Acts 17:1–34 (Paul Preaches in Thessalonica, Paul an Silas in Berea, and Paul Preaches In Athens)

Questions (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?

  • What do you think is the key message?

  • Did anything stand out to you?

  • Is there something that surprised you? What was it?

  • How can we apply the message to today, in our own lives?

Other Questions to Consider (Identify/Discuss Among the Group):

  • Who is involved?

    • How do they respond to God?

    • What character traits do you notice about them?

    • What is the significance of their involvement?

  • What and where is this happening?

    • What makes what is happening meaningful?

    • Is there anything special about the location?

  • What does this tell me about people?

  • Was there anything in the passage that left you with more questions?

    • If yes, research your questions/discuss with the group.

  • Was there anything in the passage that jumped out to you?

  • How should we live our lives based on this passage?

  • Biggest takeaway from the passage?

  • Read Acts 18:1-28

  • Is there anything that stands out when reading this passage? Be ready to discuss at the next men’s group.
