Weekly Wednesdays: CALLED Men’s Group | Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Meeting #6 | This Week’s Leader: David Goodno
Introduction: Welcome everyone, this is the sixth meeting of the winter 2025 semester of the Men’s “Called” Growth Group (Wed 02/12/2025 was canceled due to snow and ice). We will continue to meet weekly on Wednesdays through 03/26/2025; 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm.
Everyone is welcome to attend; it doesn’t matter if you are a new-believer, or solid in your faith; everyone is welcome. And you do not have to have been at a previous meeting (or prior semester) to attend this week, or at any meeting in the future.
Friendly reminder that we all come from various backgrounds, we have different points of view and are all at different places in our individual faith journey. The purpose of our meeting tonight is to come together, study God’s word and have a friendly discussion. If there are differing points of view, we should not feel attacked or become hostile to one another. We came together as friends and brothers in Christ; we should leave the same (as friends and brothers in Christ). Often there is no right or wrong answer; just interpretation of scripture – ultimately, JESUS IS THE ANSWER.
Zechariah stressed the presence of the Lord with His people and also the necessity to obey the Lord, especially in matters of justice, mercy, compassion and truthfulness. Zechariah was concerned that the returned exiles did not repeat previous mistakes of their forefathers whose disobedience brought the Lord’s judgement. Zechariah addresses the present and future condition of the people and Jerusalem. Zecharia’s book is helpful to direct our thoughts to the Lord’s plan for blessing and cleansing.
This book focuses on concerns of the temple, priesthood, and purification of the people. Chapters 1-8 deal with the rebuilding of the temple, the priesthood, and the future of Jerusalem. Chapters 9-14 deal mostly with the distant future and the coming Messianic kingdom.
For more Information visit: https://www.mantourministries.com/centralpamantour
Register: https://www.mantourministries.com/events/the-central-pa-mantour-8
Price is $20 Early registration ($25 after cut-off), youth 18 and under can register for $5.00.
The world is full of broken, defeated men. It is time to get off the mat and get back in the fight. It is not God’s will for men to live broken, defeated lives. The 2025 Mantour conference is designed to help men get up and gain victory.
The conference is at Celebration Church located in Dillsburg, PA, which is about 20 miles from FV Church. The conference isn’t too far away, the cost is affordable, and is a one-day commitment Saturday, March 15, 9:00 am – 12:45 pm. We’ll meet at FV Church at 8:00 am, and Carpool (or you can choose to meet) at the conference center Celebration Church, Dillsburg, PA: 1048 South Mountain Road, Dillsburg, PA 17019.
Get to know and be comfortable with sharing the three circles.
Three Circles video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcj5G_4dwrI
This semester, the Called Men’s Group is conducting Bible study using the SOAP-Q (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer – and Questions) method, of the Book of Haggai, and Zechariah.
Last week we read about the Zechariah having a vision of a flying scroll and basket of inequity (sin) – as a woman named Wickedness in the basket being held by two winged-women (wings like a stork), who will fly away and take the basket to Babylon. The meaning of the figurative and vivid descriptions are unknown, but many believe this to be a warning and a call to believers to be true, honest and genuine in their obedience to God. Half-hearted prayers are not what the Lord desires from us. Just like promises with no intention of keeping them; the lack of commitment to the promises we make is the same as a lie. If we’re going to do something, as Christians, we should do it well with our whole-heart and full commitment. Our “no” should mean no, and our “yes” should mean yes.
This Week’s Prayer: Father God, we thank you for allowing us to come together tonight and study your word tonight. Lord, we thank you for everything, all your gifts and blessings; big and small, seen and unseen. Lord, we even thank you for when you tell us “No.” You know better than we do, help us to follow you and remain faithful and obedient to you. Lord; give us the strength and courage to honor and glorify you every day. – Amen
Scripture, Read: Zechariah Chapter 6:1 – 7:14. (29 Verses)
Observation, Application & Questions: (Identify/Discuss Among the Group)
Key verses for discussion:
Zechariah 6:1-8, What do we think the significance of the chariots and horses? – Discuss among the group.
In Zechariah’s vision God sends horses to patrol the earth. The vision shows God’s sovereignty and concern for the nations.
The four colors of the horses, red, black, white and dappled/gray horses. Zechariah does not give us any significance of the colors of the horses.
Do we think the horse colors have any special meaning?
Do we think there is any significance of the Chariots or bronze mountains?
Scholars believe that the Chariots are the equivalent of today’s modern tanks. – a key symbol of military power. Also, the chariots symbolize the swift and decisive power of God’s intervention into human affairs.
The bronze mounts are believed to be enhanced images of the two bronze pillars that once flanked the entrance to Solomon’s temple (1 Kings 7:13-22)
Bronze may symbolize the impregnable strength of God’s dwelling.
Who are the four winds (ESV) / spirits (NLT)?
The four winds/spirts are believed to be the divine council who report to God on their observations of the earth.
Nowhere in the world is unreachable; the whole world is under God’s dominion.
Have vented the anger of my spirit, see Judges 8:3 and Isaiah 33:11
Zechariah 6:9-15, Joshua/Jeshua’s symbolic coronation as both king and priest was not an actual political arrangement; scholars believe that it most likely symbolizes the coming of the Messiah, the Branch.
The composition of the crown, silver and gold reflects the expectation of Haggai 2:8, that both of these elements would come to the temple and fill it with Glory.
Joshua/Jeshua is to be crowned is a symbol of the reality to come. – The Branch.
People will come to distant lands to rebuild the temple… Some Biblical scholars believe that this means that Jews still in exile will come to help. Other scholars believe that this indicates that future Gentiles will come to help rebuild the temple.
Discuss among the group.
Have the group research what is meant by Land of the North (Babylon)
Have the group read 1 Corinthians 3:9-17; how does Paul say that we (God’s people) help build the temple?
Zechariah 7:1-14,
(7:1) The fourth year of King Darius – the two sermons in Chapters 7 and 8 are two years after the visions of chapters 1-6. Some translations mention “Chislev” or “Kislev” which overlaps with November/December, the ancient Hebrew lunar calendar. Some scholars believe that this event occurred on December 7, 518.
(7:2) to seek the Lord’s favor, means to soften the face of the Lord; they were asking God to grant a petition or to rule on a question. And their request was most likely along with a sacrifice or offering.
Biblical scholars believe that weeping and abstaining from food and other luxuries were ritual acts of mourning aimed at demonstrating repentance.
The sermons addressed delegates from Bethel (Named Sharezer and Regemmelech) who asked practical questions (7:2-3). Zechariah answers the questions later (8:18-19; which we’ll study next week).
Zechariah responds first with rhetorical questions that focused on the people’s self-centered motives and behavior (7:5-6)
(7:4-10) Zechariah points out what is wrong with Israel’s religious behavior. What does true Godliness involve?
Mercy. Do not oppress widows, orphans, foreigners, and the poor. And do not scheme against each other.
Zechariah then outlines God’s expectations for Israel (7:8-10)
Have group review Jerimiah 22:3-5
(7:10) Widows, orphans, foreigners and the poor often did not have access to the legal protection that the average citizen would have. (see Deuteronomy 24:14, 17-22)
(7:12) to make one’s heart as hard as stone, means that they intentionally cut themselves off from God. Their will and desires were set against the will of God; the two do not always align. Sometimes to be obedient we need to set aside our own thoughts and desires and listen to the word of the Lord.
Agree/disagree? (See Jerimiah 17:1-18)
(7:14) the scattering of the Hebrews among the nations was one of the curses for violating the Mosaic covenant (Deuteronomy 28:36-49)
Discuss among the group.
Other questions to explore:
What was the context? What was going on at the time this was written?
What and where is this happening?
What makes what was happening meaningful?
Is there anything special about the location (or locations)?
Who is involved?
How do they respond to God?
What character traits do you notice about them?
What is the significance of their involvement?
What do you think is the key message?
Did anything surprise you? What was it?
Were there any repetitive words or themes that stood out to you? What were they?
Is there anything that stood out to you? Share with the group and discuss.
Is there anything that left you with more questions? What were they? Share with group, discuss, and research.
Biggest takeaway?
Prepare for next week’s meeting. Read: Zechariah 8:1- 23
Is there anything that stands out when reading these verses? Be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.
Watch the Three Circles video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcj5G_4dwrI
REMINDER: FV Church has multiple events planned in the future to help you and your family stay involved with the church and connected. Please monitor https://fv.church/events for more information.
Men’s Conference: March 15, 2025, at Dillsburg, PA.
For more Information visit: https://www.mantourministries.com/centralpamantour
Register: https://www.mantourministries.com/events/the-central-pa-mantour-8
Price is $20 Early registration ($25 after cut-off), youth 18 and under can register for $5.00.
Elements of today’s Bible study were referenced from:
NLT Courage for Life Men’s Bible, New Living Translation (NLT); copyright 2023 Tyndale House Ministries
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation
NIV Study Bible, Revolution, copyright 2011. The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV); copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan. https://www.zondervan.com/p/niv-bibles-for-teens-true-images-revolution/
NET Bible, Thinline Art Edition, Large Print, copyright 2021, by Thomas Nelson, Inc. a division of HarperCollins Christian Publishing Inc. The NET Bible, New English Translation, (NET), copyright 1996, 2019 by Biblical Studies Press, LLC https://www.thomasnelson.com/bibles
NLT Parallel Study Bible, New Living Translation (NLT); copyright 2011 Tyndale House Ministries
Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation
NKJV The Jeremiah Study Bible, New King James Version (NKJV); copyright 2013 David Jeremiah, Inc.
Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. https://www.thomasnelson.com/bibles
Knowing the Bible, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, by Steven M. Coleman, J. L. Packer, Dane C. Ortlund; copyright 2018 by Crossway, Wheaton, Illinois.
The Good Book Guide to Zechariah, God’s big plan for struggling Christians, by Tim Chester, copyright 2005 by the Good Book Company. https://www.thegoodbook.com
Schedule: Month, Meeting Number, Date, Book/Chapters/Verse/ (Total Verses)
January 2025:
_x_ 001, 01/22 Haggai 1:1 – 2:23. (38 Verses)
_x_ 002, 01/29 Zechariah 1:1-21. (21 Verses)
February 2025:
_x_ 003, 02/05 Zechariah 2:1 – 3:10. (23 Verses)
_x_ 004, 02/12 -- Canceled due to weather --
_x_ 005, 02/19 Zechariah 4:1 – 5:11. (25 Verses)
_x_ 006, 02/26 Zechariah 6:1 – 7:14. (29 Verses)
March 2025:
__ 007, 03/05 Zechariah 8:1- 23. (23 Verses)
__ 008, 03/12 Zechariah 9:1 – 10:1-12. (29 Verses) – updated.
__ 009, 03/19 Zechariah 11:1 – 12:1-14. (31 Verses) – updated.
__ 010, 03/26 Zechariah 13:1 – 14:1-21. (30 Verses) * - updated.
*Please monitor FV.church/events for more information about the next semester.